
Ashley Types is my Blog. ‘My’ Being me, Ashley Allen. I’ll type a bit more here soon. But basically it just a nice platform for me to write about anything I like without the whole social media thing, not to an audience, just to get things out of my brain really.

I think a lot about the future, technology, politics and art. I am an optimist but have bouts of realism and cynicism. So I imagine I’ll be writing a lot about those sorts of things. But no promises.

Described by many as a “Nicey”, my family and I live in Rugby in the UK.

Above is beautiful Reykjavik, capital of Iceland. My favourite place. I’ve travelled a little I’ve seen much of Europe but never felt as ‘home’ as when I’m in Reykjavik.

I would love to live there one day.

If you’d like to contact me, I’m pretty sure you can work out how.