From Ashley with love

Hello, welcome to my blog. It’s rarely updated but as I’ve become increasingly disillusioned with social media, this will be one of the very few places I post anything.

For years I’ve only been using Twitter as my social media of choice only touching Meta/Facebook/Instagram as needed to communicate with family. Since the takeover and rebranding of Twitter it’s become increasingly bad. First they took the first party apps, then they reinstated the racists and bigots, then they made verified accounts and checkmarks pointless and now it seem to automatically flick over to the “For you” tab that seems to be dedicated to highlighting the racists and bigots. Just now I watch watching a video posted by someone I follow, when it ended it instantly started to play a video of a man violently attacking a women. I’m done with it.

So now if I do have the need to post something it’ll be here on my trusty old self hosted WordPress blog. I’ll also be posting and following on BlueSky:

As a millenial I’ve grown up with the internet. From first seeing it at David Bulmer’s house in the early 90’s, to learning to code in the .com boom to being an “expert” with my liveihood being solely support by my internet based work. Early social media was an amazingly fun way to connect with fellow weirdos all over the world. I’m met so many friends and have to thank it for my family too. But it has been corrupted, for money, for influence and for power. The world is undoubtly a worse place for it. I urge people to seriously consider their social media use. I highly recommend “Ten arguments for deleting your social media accounts right now” by Jaron Lanier. I read it a few years ago now and I seriously cut down on my social media. It was written before the current AI boom which has and is hypercharging many of the bad things about social media. Misinformation & Disinformation are huge problems, even more so when combined with news and politics. If we can’t agree on an objective reality, then we are lost.

So yeah, that’s that.

Meanwhile, I’m getting into field recording. Soon I’ll be posting some recordings of places I’ve ending up whilst trapsing around the country side. Going outside and getting lost is quite fun.

Speak soon, lots of love.


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